
How to Get Rid Of the Evil Eye

How to Get Rid Of the Evil Eye (1)

Introduction: Have you or your loved ones been feeling restless or uneasy with symptoms, such as a sudden loss of appetite, uncontrollable yawning, fever, or hiccups? If this is the case, you should exercise caution and seek protection. Why? Because the hinted symptoms are signs of someone casting an evil eye on you and your […]

6 Ways to Deal with an Awakening – Forever Conscious


The 6 Signs that show you of your own awakening: 1. Feeling energy will be like learning how to deflect other people who have negative energy in any environment. 2. Trusting your instincts will be easier as your intuition will tell you by how you feel. 3. Health and your body will want to change […]

Essence of Bhagavath Gita

Essence of Bhagavath Gita

Bhagavat Gita, it is a prominent book of Hinduism, according to the Hindu people revere this ancient scripture and is consider religion book. Constantly, this test says life morals, ethic, and dharma. Regarding the text conveys a way of life and tips for human life. However, the Hindu people believe a Lord Krishna proceed the […]

What is spirituality? Is it different from religion?

Every person has spirituality. Whatever moves or expresses your spirit or inner energy is part of your spirituality. In some senses your spirituality is expressed in every aspect of your personal and public life. It is just part of who you are – woven into and expressed through every thought, feeling, and action. There are […]

Padmanabhaswamy temple – Thiruvanathapuram,Mystery and Secrets,History

Padmanabhaswamy temple

The state of Kerala in India is truly a wonder when it comes to architectural, cultural, and natural spots for tourism. Among many other attractions of the place lies the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple in the capital city of the state, Thiruvananthapuram. It is a Hindu temple of Lord Padmanabhaaswamy or Ananta meaning Vishnu, the supreme […]

Ulagalandha Perumal Temple

Ulagalandha Perumal Temple is a temple dedicated to Vishnu located in Kancheepuram, Tamilnadu, India. Constructed in the Dravidian style of architecture, the temple is glorified in the Divya Prabandha, the early medieval Tamil canon of the Azhwar saints from the 6th – 9th centuries AD. It is one of the 108 Divyadesam dedicated to Vishnu, who is worshipped as Ulagalantha Perumal and his consort Goddess Lakshmi as Amudavalli. Ulagalantha Perumal temple is situated just […]

10 Pujas that make your desires come true

Ganesh Puja Ganesh Puja is performed to be successful in our lives and to bring marital bliss and all problems solved when this Homam performs by invoking Lord Ganapathi. Performing the Ganapathi Puja grants affluence and solve wealth related issues in a devotee’s life. Lord Ganesha is believed to be the governor of the Mooladhara […]

Manglik Dosha: How To Remove Manglik Dosha of a Girl or a Boy?

Manglik Dosha

What Is Mangal Dosha? Mangal Dosh plays a vital role in deciding Hindu marriages, where matching horoscopes to check the compatibility is a common occurrence. In a natal chart or horoscope, if Mars (aka Mangal or Kuja) falls in either 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house ascendant, then the person is said to be […]

Lakshmi Puja

Lakshmi is one of the most revered deities of Hinduism and one of the Trimurti Goddesses alongside Durga and Saraswati. Goddess Lakshmi is considered as the supreme power and the divinity of wealth and prosperity. When Mahalakshmi is worshiped with true devotion, she banishes all traces of poverty from one’s life and endows one with […]

Amavasya and Purnima Days Importance: Do and Don’t on These Days

Introduction Celestial bodies have always been of great importance to many religions across the globe. Hinduism is no different in this aspect. For centuries, the astrological forecast and a few rituals in Hinduism have been based on the positioning of these celestial bodies and their collective influence on this world. Moon is one such celestial […]