Original price was: ₹ 370.00.Current price is: ₹ 169.00.
Original price was: ₹ 249.00.Current price is: ₹ 119.00.
Original price was: ₹ 249.00.Current price is: ₹ 119.00.
Original price was: ₹ 449.00.Current price is: ₹ 299.00.
Original price was: ₹ 449.00.Current price is: ₹ 199.00.
Original price was: ₹ 549.00.Current price is: ₹ 299.00.
Original price was: ₹ 549.00.Current price is: ₹ 299.00.

Buy Feng Shui Turtle Online in India @Puja N Pujari

Tortoise is heavenly and the Feng Shui symbol constitutes stability and protection from the bad things. For users of Feng Shui, the tortoise will give more benefits when you can use correctly, carefully, and treated with respect. From olden days onwards tortoise was a spiritual symbol of longevity. Buy this Feng Shui Turtle online at lowest pirce at Puja N Pujari and keep it in your home, office or workplaces, the garden will give good results. It can be made with different materials like earthen material, metal, crystal, and wood. Based on the material you have to put it in different directions as per the Vastu.

Significance Of Feng Shui Tortoise

According to old scriptures, a tortoise is the second avatar of Lord Vishnu, and it’s called a Kurma avatar. During the Sagar Mathan to uphold the earth, Lord Vishnu took the Tortoise form. Nowadays who is believing in Vastu Shastra and feng shui that persons all are keeping the tortoise in their homes. While keeping the tortoise feng shui vastu there are some specific rules, if you follow that Vastu Shastra rules will get some benefits. 

In made up of tortoise different colors also there, if you want to keep it in your home or office premises, keep it in correct place and direction as per Vastu Shastra. If the tortoise color is black you can keep it in the north position, green dragon kept it in the east, the red phoenix placed in the south, and white tiger kept in the west. According to this feng shui, all animals gives positive energy in life. This tortoise gives stability, career prospects, and empowers your business apart from black tortoise we have different types of the tortoise and buy it and filled with water around the tortoise.

Placement Of Tortoise

If you have any sleeplessness issues place this tortoise near to your bed. It will increase the healing powers and can remove fears. Don’t keep tortoise in the bathroom and kitchen it is not good it brings negative results.      

Pouring Water To Tortoise 

These tortoise items keep in water with light depth. And add some colored stones into that water this will create an extraordinary decor for home. It brings peace, harmony, longevity, and serenity. 

Directions For Placing The Feng Shui Tortoise

Keep it incorrect Vastu or direction it will give the best benefits. For any reason you can keep it in the wrong direction it will lose its power and will give negative benefits. 


Based on material keep it in a different direction,

  • If it is made with metal keep it in the north or northwest.
  • If it is made with crystal keep it in the southwest or northwest.
  • If it is made with earthen keep it in north east or center or southwest.
  • If you arrange like will get solutions for your problems, money, and good health for family members.