Original price was: ₹ 560.00.Current price is: ₹ 499.00.

A Japa mala, or prayer beads, is commonly used across religions like Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Shinto, to perform Japa. A Japa mala usually consists of 108 beads. Japmala is used to chant shlokas or mantras or god's name for the specified number of times. 

According to ancient teachings, repeating a name or a verse over and over again, specifically 108 times, helps calm an agitated mind. Hence the japmala consists of 108 beads. At times an extra bead is added to help with the count. 

Benefits of using Japmala -

  • Know the count: At times, astrologers or priests specify the number of times one has to repeat a specific mantra to resolve the problem. Japmala helps keep track of the count during the time.
  • Easy access - Once bought, japmala is easy to carry. You can use it as an ornament by wearing it as a necklace or a bracelet. Or you can put it in your purse or bag and carry it. When you feel agitated, you can take it out and start repeating your favorite verse or something close to your heart.
  • Chanting brings in positivity, peace, and harmony, and doing it with japmala aids meditation. 
  • Ancient Scripture mentions specific verses if recited a particular number of times; it helps deal with diseases effectively. Having japmala handy during all the times helps in decreasing the effects of several diseases and infections. 
  • Physical contact with the beads helps transmit the healing energies of the beads to the self.
  • Using japamala serves as a constant reminder of the spiritual undertaking.

Types of Japmala

Japmala can be classified based on the material used to make the japamala.

  • Rudraksha Japmala - Lord Rudra gives name to the beads. The beads are known as his favorite and can carry immense positive energy. There are various types of rudraksha mala, such as - Pancha Mukhi, Nepal rudraksha mala, original rudraksha mala, and many more.
  • Sandalwood Japamala: The beads formed from the sandalwood trees are fragrant. It is used by both Buddhists and Hindus.
  • Rosewood beads: Made from the precious rosewood tree, they find they use mainly among the Buddhist monks.
  • Lotus seed Mala: They are made of lotus seeds and represent a journey towards spirituality.
  • Tulsi seeds: Obtained by the sacred tulsi plant, the beads are a storehouse for positive energy. Having the japamala in your hand while chanting is a sure way of obtaining all the positive energies to heal oneself.

Online shopping for Japmala

Take your spiritual journey further and farther with these beads. Now getting a Japa mala is as easy as logging on your laptop and browsing through our pujaNpujari online shopping website. Since each type of mala specifies the different path of spiritual energy, we have a wide range of collections to choose from at nominal prices. We ship your order Pan India, so place your order today and buy genuine products from us.